Instructions for Staff
Instructions for SeAMK's Staff
SeAMK Staff Instructions
- Adding an email account to an iPhone/iPad
- Adding an email account to your Android phone
- Break Pro Installation guide
- Change your password
- Connecting to Staff Wireless Network
- Deleting credentials from your computer
- E-resources
- Electronic Exam service for higher education
- File sharing (e.g. from OneDrive)
- Installing Office programs to your own computer (Microsoft 365)
- Kampustalo teachers desks in classrooms
- Multi-factor authentication
- Peppi Guides for Staff
- Printer locations at SeAMK
- Registration of a SeAMK ID
- Sending and opening an encrypted email
- Sharing an internet connection from an iPhone to a computer (Hotspot)
- Sharing of Nokia phone's Internet connection to computer (Hotspot)
- Things to note at the end of study or employment (Microsoft 365)
- Transferring images and video files from an iPhone to a computer
- Tuudo guide
- Update Outlook Address Book
Instructions for Sedu's Staff
Sedu Staff Instructions
- Adding an email account to an iPhone/iPad
- Adding an email account to your Android phone
- Change your password
- Connecting to Staff Wireless Network
- cTouch Presentation Device Instructions
- Deleting credentials from your computer
- File sharing (e.g. from OneDrive)
- Installing Office programs to your own computer (Microsoft 365)
- Multi-factor authentication
- Samsung Presentation guides
- Sending and opening an encrypted email
- Sharing an internet connection from an iPhone to a computer (Hotspot)
- Sharing of Nokia phone's Internet connection to computer (Hotspot)
- Things to note at the end of study or employment (Microsoft 365)
- Transferring images and video files from an iPhone to a computer
- Update Outlook Address Book
- Wilma Schedule to Outlook calendar